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2022/9/23 18:08:00    新闻来源:水电总院

2022年9月22日,在二十国集团(G20)可再生能源专题研讨会期间,水电水利规划设计总院(以下简称水电总院)龚和平副院长与印尼国家电力公司(PT PLN/PERSERO,以下简称PLN公司)代表YUSUF DIDI SETIARTO共同签署了合作谅解备忘录,就深化双方在低碳能源、环境和社会保障等领域的技术合作达成共识。水电总院将为PLN公司提供技术支持,助力其加强人才资源建设,推动可再生能源开发,进而共同为印尼可持续发展以及政策、技术环境优化贡献积极力量。



签署仪式通过线上方式举行。印尼驻华大使周浩黎、水电总院院长李昇、PLN公司首席执行官 Darmawan Prasodjo先生以及中国—东盟中心代表出席并见证。





(此新闻由水电总院和印尼PT PLN公司联合发布)


During the “G20 Seminar of Renewable Energy Baseload Development Through Hydropower and Geothermal Generation in order to Support Energy Transition” on September 22, 2022, Mr. Gong Heping, Deputy Director General of China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute (CREEI), and YUSUF DIDI SETIARTO, representative of Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PT PLN/PERSERO, PLN), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), and reached consensus on enhancing technological cooperation on low-carbon energy, environment, and social security for both sides.

The signing of this MoU marks the first institutional cooperation between China's clean energy advisory body and Indonesia's electric power organization, and is an important outcome of G20 series activities conducted by Indonesia as the chair, which has attracted wide attention from government departments and industry sectors of both cuuntries.

The MoU was signed online. H.E. Mr. Djauhari Oratmangun, Indonesian Ambassador to China, Dr. Li Sheng, Deputy Director General of CREEI, Mr.Darmawan Prasodjo, CEO of PLN, and ASEAN-CHINA Centre witnessed the signing ceremony.

PLN is an Indonesia's state-owned electric utility company, wholly-owned by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. It comprehensively manages the power transmission and distribution network and electricity retail business in Indonesia and owns various types of large power plants, accuunting for two-thirds of the market share in Indonesia.

CREEI, established in 1950, is a leading think tank and a high-end advisory body for renewable energy industry. It provides integrated technological support and services for renewable energy policy research, resources survey and planning, design review, project acceptance, quality supervision, standards making, information management and international cooperation. Under the guidance of the National Energy Administration (NEA) of China, CREEI has been one of the technical support institutions dedicated for clean energy cooperation between China and ASEAN and has long carried out China-ASEAN clean energy cooperation project planning, mechanism promotion, the implementation of activity and research projects.

(joint Press Release by PT PLN and CREEI)

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